Legal notice

Registered office

Elisabeth L Guillerm Traductions

Email address:

Phone number: 06 10 03 60 21

Registered office : 31 D rue de la Cité Libérée – 14460 Colombelles

Microentreprise – SIRET 891 391 286 00020 – Dispensée d’immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) et au Répertoire des Métiers (RM)

Legal representative

Mrs. Elisabeth Guillerm


Under the French Code of Intellectual Property, it is forbidden for any usage other than private to copy, reproduce, sell, distribute, diffuse, adapt, modify, publish, communicate in full or in part, under any form, the data, presentation and art work (images, pictures) of this website without the express written authorization of its legal representative.

The legal representative reserves the right to legally enforce any infringement of its intellectual property rights.

In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original French version of this legal notice, the original French version (“mentions légales”) will prevail.